Hogarth Club

Company Profile

The Hogarth Group is a group of companies operating principally in the health, leisure and construction markets. It is a family company that commenced operating in 1959, when its Chairman first became principal of his own firm of Chartered Surveyors, specialising in health, leisure and sports developments.


Hogarth Leisure is the consulting and design arm of the Hogarth Group. It is responsible for project work in the leisure field including architecture, staff training, club establishment and management, product sales and distribution. The Hogarth Health Club, which opened in 1981, was one of the very first of such clubs in Europe and carried the first range of Nautilus equipment outside the USA. The Hogarth Clinic was established 1993 with a wide range of practitioners providing both conventional and complementary medicine. The Park Club opened in January 2000, offering a much broader range of services and providing for the needs of the family


The Hogarth Group is constantly expanding and is always looking to recruit ambitious individuals who are willing to share in our vision. Excellent salary terms are offered, along with the benefit of using our luxurious facilities. In fact, in order to gain a first hand 'member experience', we encourage our staff to use the full range of facilities that the Group offers.

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